
"I am trying to visit every single country on the planet...
...and today you have made it to my website"

Luca Pferdmenges

Luca Pferdmenges is one of TikTok’s most followed travel content creators, amassing over 2.7 million followers just on the app. He is internationally known for his mission (and catch phrase) to visit every single country in the world. Luca has so far set foot in 184 countries, only 11 remain. At just 22 years old, he is also attempting to become the youngest man to do this.

What most people don’t know: “The German Travel Guy” hasn’t always been travelling – he is also a world record holding juggler and performer!
Born and raised in Mönchengladbach, Germany, Luca discovered the art of juggling at just 10 years old. Fast forward to 2016 and he appears in the TV talent casting show “Superkids”, reaching the final episode and conquering the hearts of millions of people. Luca has since broken numerous Guinness World Records in sport juggling and won countless gold medals in competitions. Through performing juggling shows worldwide, he soon discovered his love for travelling. After representing Austria at the 19th International Circus Festival of China in 2019, he asked the organisers to book his return flight not to Austria – but to Uzbekistan! A new era began, Luca travelled wherever and whenever he could. Then, during the Covid-19 pandemic, all juggling shows got cancelled in an instant. All juggling-related work was gone. So naturally, he decided to work on something new; changing all his social media accounts to @TheGermanTravelGuy and focus on creating travel videos.

Luca has been travelling full-time since 2021. He has since been listed on the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 List (2022), travelled on an iron-ore cargo train into the Sahara desert in Mauritania, and showered in cow pee in South Sudan. Luca has also authored two German-language books: "Billig Reisen" & "Jonglieren wie ein Profi".

+2.9M TikTok followers

+226k Instagram followers

Guinness World Records

+20M monthly views

As seen on

Visiting every country

11 countries left (April 2024)

Europe ✅44/44
North + Central America ✅23/23
South America ✅12/12
Africa 45/54
Australia & Oceania13/14

Recent TikTok Posts:

@thegermantravelguy Replying to @germany mits tenslouse wanda GATES OF HELL🔥 in the night😨 So gorgeous! #travel #countries #nature #traveltiktok #everycountry #fypシ ♬ Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show
@thegermantravelguy After visiting 179 countries, finally some FUN🤓🥳 #travel #everycountry #traveltiktok #aviation #tuvalu #fypシ ♬ original sound - Luca Pferdmenges
@thegermantravelguy Join my journey to every country here on TikTok ✨🌎 #travel #lifegoals #fypシ ♬ Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show


Check My Resume


Alice Barkley

Innovative and deadline-driven Graphic Designer with 3+ years of experience designing and developing user-centered digital/print marketing material from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.

  • Portland par 127,Orlando, FL
  • (123) 456-7891
  • alice.barkley@example.com


Master of Fine Arts & Graphic Design

2015 - 2016

Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

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Bachelor of Fine Arts & Graphic Design

2010 - 2014

Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

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Professional Experience

Senior graphic design specialist

2019 - Present

Experion, New York, NY

  • Lead in the design, development, and implementation of the graphic, layout, and production communication materials
  • Delegate tasks to the 7 members of the design team and provide counsel on all aspects of the project.
  • Supervise the assessment of all graphic materials in order to ensure quality and accuracy of the design
  • Oversee the efficient use of production project budgets ranging from $2,000 - $25,000

Graphic design specialist

2017 - 2018

Stepping Stone Advertising, New York, NY

  • Developed numerous marketing programs (logos, brochures,infographics, presentations, and advertisements).
  • Managed up to 5 projects or tasks at a given time while under pressure
  • Recommended and consulted with clients on the most appropriate graphic design
  • Created 4+ design presentations and proposals a month for clients and account managers

Work with Luca

Creative Social Media Collaborations

Imagine your brand being seen by over 20 million people every month. Advertised on an account that receives over 10k likes on any given day. Luca Pferdmenges is one of TikTok’s most followed travel content creators, reaching over 11 million individual accounts monthly.

Social media stats @thegermantravelguy

Instagram: 189,877 followers
TikTok: 2,742,606 followers

TikTok + 5,783,184 individual accounts reached every month
Instagram + 5,245,625 individual accounts reached every month

TikTok account demographics
Instagram account demographics

TikTok: +323,520 content interactions monthly
~10k new likes per day

Instagram: + 151,528 content interactions monthly
~20k views on any story post

TikTok: ~37k new followers monthly
~10k new likes per day

Instagram: +58k new followers over the last 90 days
+800k monthly profile visits

Only 11 countries left – new opportunities await

With Luca’s mission of trying to visit every country in the world slowly coming to an end, new doors of opportunities open up. We now have the option to create long-term partnerships, with the possibility of Luca living in a certain city or country. Due to his non-stop travelling mission, that was not possible until now. Let’s say you are a tourism board looking for influencers to promote your city/country/project.

Imagine instead of partnering for one video, you could partner for 15 videos – every single month. Luca’s team has the vision to revolutionize the relationship between brand and travel influencer. Luca could have is home base in your city of choice! Through this type of sustainable collaboration, your project is guaranteed to be seen by millions of people monthly, even if not every individual video goes viral. With time, the audience will associate Luca with your brand (or even country/city), ensuring even more exposure and a prominent spot in the minds of all travel fanatics.

Previous collaborations

From hotel chains to travel insurances, Luca has an impressive array of past collaboration partners. As Europe’s most followed travel content creator (with a signficant US based following), he is a benchmark to work with for any company in the travel industry. Whether you are a VPN provider (Luca always uses VPN’s while travelling) looking for a one-time promotion, or a tourism board aiming for a long-term recurring exposure, possibilities are endless. Luca recently completed a 6-month contract with travel insurance company “Safetywing”, as well as short-term partnerships with Radisson Blu, Nord VPN and Sony.

Collaboration with SafetyWing
Collaboration with GoCity

Former clients


Recent trips (2024)

  • All
  • South Sudan
  • Latin America
  • Oceania
  • Hawaii


Country 176


Country 178


Country 178


Country 178

South Sudan

Country 184


Country 177







South Sudan

Country 184


Country 65

South Sudan

Country 184

Papua New Guinea

Country 171


Contact management

Email address

management (@) thegermantravelguy.com

Social Profiles

Imprint / Impressum (as required per German law)

Angaben gem. § 5 TMG:

Luca Pferdmenges
41239 Mönchengladbach,

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